Tuesday, July 22, 2014


Hello everyone!! Below you will find a copy of the class letter I handed out in class. Do your best to get the required class supplies. I'm excited about the upcoming school year and I hope you feel the same.


Dear students and parents,

Welcome to my social studies class. I am looking forward to getting to know each of you better throughout the year and hope you will do the same of me. I truly believe that the experiences each person gains through life are worth sharing with others and that is what makes life great. In addition to studying social studies content this year, we will also work on other lifelong skills such as reading comprehension, organization, proper social skills, among other things. With regards to social studies, I promise to not make you memorize facts and dates but instead will concentrate on teaching the “big picture” and the stories that make history, geography, and culture come alive. I realize that no two students are alike and because of this I will use a variety of assignments and assessments to create an engaging and balanced class for everyone. Now that I have briefly introduced the class to you lets go into some of the specifics.

  • A 3-ring binder exclusively for my class
  • A folder with 3 holes exclusively for my class
  • A 5 subject notebook
  • Pens or pencils
  • Colored pencils
  • Flash drive

  • Follow school and class rules
  • Put forth your best effort

  • You must be in class on time and prepared everyday to do your very best
  • If you miss a class due to sickness or other circumstances you will be able to make up missed work but it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to find out what you missed and what you need to make up. TAKE OWNERSHIP OF YOUR EDUCATION

  • I am available after school and before school for extra help. You just let me know what works best for you and I will do my best to accommodate your needs.
  • Remember, my job is to teach you and your job is to learn. So… you need to tell me if you do not understand or need extra help.
  • Asking for help is a mature step in the right direction if you are struggling.

  • I welcome my parents to come by and see me to talk about any concerns that you may have.
  • You can also call the school or email me at jdegaetano@.k12.wv.us  to reach me.

  • RESPECT me. RESPECT others. RESPECT yourself. And RESPECT our school.
  • New FHS rules this year include:
1.      No cell phones in class or they will be taken and given to administration
2.      No food or drinks (including water) are allowed in classrooms
3.      No Ipods or MP3 players in classrooms at all
  • I will deal with discipline on an individual basis. That means if you never give me any problems in my class and are generally not a behavior problem, I will ignore or dismiss something minor such as talking when you are not suppose to . BUT, if you happen to be someone who is always breaking the rules and I’ve had to deal with you before then I will be unlikely to give you a warning and instead jump right into getting parents and principals involved.

Please review this letter with your parents and keep it in your binder throughout the year so that you have it need be. Once again I look forward to a great year with you guys.

                                                                                    Mr. DeGaetano