The world is filled with thousands of different belief systems, or religions. It would be impossible and impractical to study most of them. However, the world's major religions should be studied and understood for both their historic and cultural relevancy.
The world's five major religions are listed below in order of largest to smallest. It is important to note that all of these religions have many different sects within them. For example, one can be a Catholic, or a Baptist, or perhaps a Methodist, but all three sects fall under the major religious belief system known as Christianity. The same thing can be said for all the major religions. Each has subgroups within it.
4)Buddhism/Confucianism/Eastern Asian philosophical religions
The map above shows where the religions of the world are most dominant. Obviously, their are followers of each of these major religions throughout the world. For example, we have Muslims (followers of Islam) in the United States but they do not make up the majority, instead Christianity is the dominant religion there.
The Major World Religions
Jesus Christ,
who was crucified around A.D. 30 in Jerusalem.
who was born in A.D. 570 at Mecca, inSaudi Arabia.
Hinduism has no founder. The oldest religion, it may date to
prehistoric times.
Siddhartha Gautama,
called the Buddha, in the 4th or 5th century B.C. inIndia.
How Many Gods
Many (all gods and goddesses are considered different forms of one
Supreme Being.)
None, but there are enlightened beings (Buddhas)
Holy Writings
The most important are the Torah, or the first five books of
Moses. Others include Judaism's oral tradition, the written form of which is
known as the Talmud.
The Bible is
the main sacred text of Christianity.
The Koran is
the sacred book of Islam.
The most ancient are the four Vedas.
The most important are the Tripitaka, the Mahayana Sutras, Tantra,
and Zen texts.
Jews believe in the laws of God and the words of the prophets. In
Judaism, however, actions are more important than beliefs.
Jesus taught love of God and neighbor and a concern for justice.
The Five Pillars, or main duties, are: profession of faith;
prayer; charitable giving; fasting during the month of Ramadan; and
pilgrimage to Mecca at least once.
Reincarnation states that all living things are caught in a cycle
of death and rebirth. Life is ruled by the laws of karma, in which rebirth
depends on moral behavior.
The Four Noble Truths: (1) all beings suffer; (2) desire—for
possessions, power, and so on—causes suffering; (3) desire can be overcome;
and (4) the path that leads away from desire is the Eightfold Path (the
Middle Way).
The three main types are Orthodox, Conservative, and Reform.
Conservative Jews follow most traditional practices, but less strictly than
the Orthodox. Reform Jews are the least traditional.
In 1054 Christians separated into the Eastern Orthodox Church and
the Roman Catholic Church.
In the early 1500s the major Protestant groups (Lutheran,Presbyterian, and Episcopalian) came into
being. A variety of other groups have since developed.
No single belief system unites Hindus. A Hindu can believe in only
one god, in many, or in none.
Theravada (Way of the Elders) and Mahayana (Greater Vehicle) are
the two main types.
There are large Jewish populations in Israel and the U.S.
Through its missionary activity Christianity has spread to most
parts of the globe.
Islam is the main religion of the Middle East, Asia, and the north
of Africa.
Hinduism is practiced by more than 80% of India's population
Like other religions, Christians have many ways of worship. From singing to prayer to the other older ways of worship. Now, there is a more modern ways. It is thought of as ''a modern and a more moving way to worship their beliefs'' by many Christians. It is called Miming. it is hand movements and motions that you do to a song about God. Miming will be a part of Christians worship as well as history for a long time. what do you think? do you know any more modern ways of worship?
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